19 marzo 2009


There are 7 notes in music, 7 major planets in astrology, 7 colours of the rainbow, 7 traditional vowels (alpha to omega), 7 metals of the alchemical process (base lead to pure gold) and 7 crystal systems - hexagonal, rhombohedral, triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic.
The seven colours of the rainbow correspond exactly and in order with our chakra system. The same patterns can be seen in the ratios of music, geometry, nature and the proportions of the human body. They are the blueprints for the structure and nature of this world and have been the subject of investigation by mystics, yogis, seers and shaman since time immemorial.
Chakras are subtle, dynamic energy vortexes. Chakra kits can heal, balance and energise this much neglected portion of our make-up. The human body has 7 major energy centres, or chakras. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc, indicating both the shape and dynamic nature of these subtle vortexes.

Chakra #1 - Root. Basic needs, food, shelter, family, belonging, foundation, connection to earth.
element- earth. Solidity.
Chakra #2 - Sacral. Emotions, sexuality, duality, relationships, enthusiasm center (also addictions). element- water. Fluidity.
Chakra #3 - Solar Plexus. Personal power. Center of motivation, achievement, self esteem, integrity.
element fire- Power.
Chakra #4 - Heart. Giving & receiving love without conditions. Openness. Ease with self and others.
element- air. Lightness of Being.
Chakra #5 - Throat. Expression. Intuition. Listening and speaking one's Higher Truth.
element- sound. Vibration.
Chakra #6 - Brow. Third Eye. Intellect. Vision. Inner Vision. Light and patterns. Knowledge.
element - light. Perception.
Chakra #7 - Crown. Connection to Source. Spiritual wisdom. Unity Consciousness. Self realization.
element- thought. Consciousness.

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